Links I Couldn't Put In A Category

Cursor Effects
Slow Roads * driving simulator
Man In The Dark * 3d man follows your cursor
ReMoji * emoji cursor trail
Radio Garden * listen to fm radio online
Kitten War * vote for the cutest kitten
Save The Sounds! * the old tech soundboard
Google Earth * explore real life in 3d
Bouncing DVD Logo 
Nod To The Rhythm * a guy doing a nod to the rhythm
Make A Nod To The Rhythm * make your own nod to the rhythm
This Is Sand * make sand art
Liquid Nonsense * nonsensical sentances
Cats In Sinks 
Perpetual Pizza * infinity pizza
The Old Net * an internet time machine
Dinner Bell * Those bells you ding at a resturaunt
Pixiji Crackers * christmas crackers
Pink Trombone * speech synthisis but yucky
No Paint * paint app
Neal Fun * games
Cult Of The Party Parrot * cool parrot gifs
Internet Map
Pug In A Rug
Checkbox Toys
Long Doge Challenge
One Square Minesweeper * IT'S IN THE NAME!!!!!!!
Binary Piano * 01100011 01101000 01100101 01100101 01110011 01100101
Eel Slap
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